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About Me.

As a global HR executive for multiple US companies, I have had first hand and personal expereinces of Layoffs, VSPs, Cost Control and Righsizing initiatives impacting thousands of people emotionally and financially.

Not only it is a emotional rollercoaster and a situation of utmost uncertainty, what aggravates it is you not knowing what to do and how to go about the next phase of your career, something for which you have never been trained.

I have personally gone through this multiple times in my career and trust me - it was extremely painful for me the first few times.
This is when I put all my expereince together to come up with a holistic plan and strategy and as set of resources painstakingly collected over the years to take control of the situation and my future career.
It is now my mission to help people like me, who find themselves in this situation suddenly and unprepared for no fault of theirs.

Believe me - I understand your pain and will do everything within my power to help ease yours and make you successful!

Hopefully my expereince below will convince you why I am uniquely qualified to help you with practical advice and how I am different from other coaches.


As a Life Coach

For the past 20 years, I have been helping people build confidence, generate different perspectives, gather new insights and resources, and build the right strategies and sustainable habits to be successful.

I do that by leveraging my expertise in Body Language, Clean Language, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy, Changework, and Graphotherapy amongst others. Check out -

As a Career Coach

For the past 25 years, I have helped hundreds of people globally successfully find jobs when the regular methods of job search did not work for them.

I do that by applying my expertise in the areas of Social Media, Internet Research, Networking, Creating Personal Branding, Resume Writing, LinkedIn Profile Optimization, Job Boards, Search Firms, Staffing Agencies, and Outreach Campaigns.  In addition, having led large global talent sourcing and recruiting organizations I am able to guide candidates to the most effective ways to navigate the hiring process and ace the interviews.  

As an Executive @Top Global Companies Across Industries

I have coached hundreds of people to proactively take control of their careers by learning how to look for signals while they are working to gauge if their positions are likely to be impacted in the future.

I am able to do that because of more than 30 years of Business and HR experience working for global companies across multiple industries as a senior executive.

©2024 by Career and Resume Coach.

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